Did Covid Affect Your Skin and Lifestyle? Here’s What You Can Do!


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2019 was when the world heard of a little unknown virus. Little did we know that it will throw the world into chaos. After almost 2 years, we’re still in midst of battling this public enemy number 1.

As this post is written, many countries are still under lockdown. Over the past 1 year , doctors have also seen many skin problems related to covid. Here’s a compilation of what some may experience !



Lockdown has inadvertently created an unhealthy obsession of staring at your own pores whether on social media whereby you can zap yourself into a poreless beauty or cultivating envy of people’s skin.

Thus, the world seen a rise in skin care sales during the pandemic. Skin care has been one of the most resilient beauty categories this year. The trend of makeup went downhill since most are staying at home and even if they go out, they have to wear a mask. I must say, I don’t know where are my lipsticks now!

Of course with ample of time on hand, people became more meticulous with their skincare steps and are also able to try various skincare sold online. Whilst for some, this is good news to their skin but for some, it could potentially turn into contact dermatitis.

Contact dermatitis is an allergic or irritant reaction that causes a painful or itchy skin rash. As the name suggests, you get contact dermatitis from coming into contact with an allergen or irritant.

Signs of contact dermatitis include a skin rash that is:

  • Red.
  • Swollen, blistering or oozing.
  • Burning or stinging.
  • Flaky or scaling.
  • Itchy.
  • Painful.

What you can do : If you happen to have these signs and symptoms, immediately stop using the product !

If it is not healing within 1 to 2 days after stopping the product, it would be best to seek our your doctor’s advice.



This word was coined last year when there was emerging cases of acne related to masks usage. Imagine the heat, dampness all contained underneath the mask. I could imagine our skin cells screaming to have that cool breeze again. Because of the trapped heat, moisture, dead skin cells ( hello Malaysia… when can we resume facials again? ) and of course due unhealthy lifestyle ( those binging on sweet desserts, refined sugary drinks and sleeping late… I’m looking at you. hehe), it’s very common to have acne breakout. Of course, using wrong products may also trigger acne formation.

Fortunately, this is a condition that can be treated as well.

What you can do :

1. Find a soft breathable mask. If you’re using reusable masks, please wash the mask often.

2. Seek out salicylic acid cleansers and find a lightweight gel moisturizer.

3. Try to avoid piling up on cosmetics

Dry / Dehydrated Skin


Recently, I have also encountered many patients who complained of dry skin. It’s not just on the face for some but also affects the whole body. This can be related to the fact that we’re indoor all the time , cooped in an air con room. Protecting your face with a mask also creates a moist, hot environment as your breath is trapped inside. This can increase oil production in the skin that may cause a breakout. On the other hand,  a buildup of sweat on the face can lead to dehydrated skin. 

Do you have dry or dehydrated skin too?



Getting a good night’s rest under stressful conditions is hard enough, but sleeping well during an ongoing pandemic can feel impossible some nights.   The increase in sleep disturbances is due to increased stress and anxiety that the pandemic has brought on, including the impact of the uncertainty and the constant barrage of information we are exposed to at this time. Our normal routines and level of daily activity have been disrupted and this has likely negatively impacted sleep for many people.

On top of that, being at home more can disrupt the light-based cues for wakefulness. Sunlight and light exposure helps keep your circadian rhythm on schedule. Constantly exposed to the blue light of our screens will inadvertently cause insomnia as well.

What you can do :

  1. Have a good sleep hygiene – be consistent, sleep on time
  2. Put away all the blue ray emitting devices like ipad, phones aside.
  3. Consider taking Melatonin supplements for better quality sleep. Melatonin is a hormone primarily released by the pineal gland at night, and has long been associated with control of the sleep–wake cycle. As a dietary supplement, it is often used for the short-term treatment of insomnia.

Final Words

If you think Covid has affected you and your skin or lifestyle, drop by and have a friendly consultation with us!

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